- Artikel-Nr.: SW12319
for all 4AD / THIS MORTAL COIL / DEAD CAN DANCE fans , 12 Dreampop-Noir tracks, features contributions from Barry Galvin (Mephisto Walz/Christian Death), John Fryer (This Mortal Coil, NiN, Depeche Mode), Pieter Nooten (ex-Clan of Xymox), Mark Gemini Thwaite (Peter Murphy, the Mission), and Wade Alin (Christ Analogue). label: Dark Vinyl, Releasedate: July 23, 2021; 6 Page Eco-Digifile
THE BLUE HOUR is a Seattle-based duo that blends elements of ethereal, electronic, and neoclassical music to create a haunting dreampop-noir that is reminiscent of classic 4AD artists while retaining a fresh vision that is unique to Marselle and Brian Hodges. Marselle's ethereal yet soulful vocal delivery often draws comparison to Kate Bush. Meanwhile, Brian's songwriting and production, which focuses on finding that rare balance between the melancholy and the sublime, is frequently likened to This Mortal Coil and Dead Can Dance.
"Lore" features contributions from Barry Galvin (Mephisto Walz/Christian Death), John Fryer (This Mortal Coil, NiN, Depeche Mode), Pieter Nooten (ex-Clan of Xymox), Mark Gemini Thwaite (Peter Murphy, the Mission), and Wade Alin (Christ Analogue).
Founded in 1993, the Blue Hour's roots reach back to the early days of goth and new wave. Marselle and Brian met each other during Seattle's new wave explosion in the 1980s. Prior to forming the Blue Hour, Brian was the keyboardist for the cult goth-rock band, Black Atmosphere--a band formed by Xstoph Gladis (a former guitarist for Christian Death). Black Atmosphere shared the stage with luminaries, including Christian Death, Sex Gang Children, Clan of Xymox, the Church, Switchblade Symphony, and Gitane Demone.
Before joining THE BLUE HOUR, Marselle was the lead vocalist for the dark metal band Crypt Orchid and, over the years, has provided guest vocals for several electronic dance and industrial projects, including the track "I Am God" for John Fryer's Black Needle Noise and backup vocal's for Chris Connelly's track "Dark Skies."
1. ... .- ...- . / -- . (3:52) / 2. Cold & Bare (4:53) / 3. Embrace not the Hand (4:21) / 4. What I Say (3:33) / 5. Doubt the Stars (4:14) / 6. Wheel & Web (4:33) / 7. Tower Over Me (3:45) / 8. Mystical Dream (3:29) / 9. Moving Forward (3:32) / 10. Invincible (4:12) / 11. One More Mystery (4:36) / 12. Lockdown (3:36)
BLACK Magazin:
"Der Begriff Blaue Stunde bezieht sich auf die Zeitspanne innerhalb der abendlichen oder morgendlichen Dämmerung während sich die Sonne so weit unterhalb des Horizonts befindet, dass das blaue Lichtspektrum noch oder schon dominiert und die Dunkelheit der Nacht noch nicht eingetroffen bzw. schon vorbei ist. Dieses Bild läßt sich irgendwo auch mit der Sound-Ausrichtung des Duos THE BLUE HOUR aus Seattle im Bundestaat Washington verbinden, da die traumhaften Klänge ihrer neuen Platte „Lore“ ( weiblicher Vorname ) einen schon ins Land der unterbewußten Träume beamen können. Hier genießt man einfach Kopfkino und Klänge zum entspannen und abtauchen, Musik für die Seele eben. Marselle Hodges mit betörenden Vocals und auch Texterin, sowie Brian Hodges, der für die Synthesizer, Drum Programming und ebenfalls die Stimme zuständig ist, kreieren uns eine leidenschaftlich, hochemotionale Mischung aus Folk, Goth/Neoklassik, mysteriösen Ethereal Dream-Pop und Wave Ambient-Sounds. Die zwei künstlerisch äußerst kreativen und mystischen Videos zu den Songs „Cold & Bare“ und „Wheel and Web“ erinnern mich musikalisch und visuell an solch Bands wie DEAD CAN DANCE, THIS MORTAL COIL, COCTEAU TWINS, THE DREAMSIDE, LOVE IS COLDER THAN DEATH oder auch SOIUXSIE AND THE BANSHEES und KATE BUSH, CHELESA WOLFE ! The Blue Hour wurden 1993 gegründet und würden von der Ausrichtung her auch zum berühmten 4AD Label gut passen, da beim Kult-Label viele Gruppen in der Art wie THE BLUE HOUR dort ihr Zuhause gefunden hatten. Die atmosphärischen und melancholischen Klänge werden von der grandiosen Stimme von Marselle geradezu getragen, diese Stimme könnte wohl auch Polarkappen schmelzen oder gar die Sonne erfrieren lassen. Marselle war sogar schon mal Vocalistin bei der Dark Metal Band CRYPT ORCHID und Soundtüftler Brian hat früher mal Keyboards bei der Kult Gothband BLACK ATMOSPHERE gespielt, die mit Gruppen wie CHRISTIAN DEATH, SEX GANG CHILDREN, CLAN OF XYMOX, THE CHURCH, SWITCHBLADE SYMPHONY und GITANE DEMONE auftraten und natürlich bemerkt man die vergangenen Einflüsse der zwei Protagonisten von THE BLUE HOUR in den 12 Tracks ihrer Platte. Man spürt förmlich die fachkundige Detailarbeit und das leidenschaftliche Verhältnis zu ihrer Musik, diese Platte von THE BLUE HOUR hat in ihrem Genre einfach alles und meine Wahrnehmung und Wiederentdeckung von dieser Art Musik wurde positiv neu und nachhaltig verändert. Auch das aufklappbare Pappcover der CD enthält zur Musik passend künstlerisch, abstrakte und fast Märchenhafte Fotocollagen der zwei Künstler. Die neue Veröffentlichung wurde zwischen 2019 und 2021 produziert und von Künstlern wie BARRY GALVIN, ( MEPHISTO WALTZ/CHRISTIAN DEATH ), JOHN FRYER ( THIS MORTAIL COIL, NIN, D. MODE ), PIETER NOOTEN ( Ex-CLAN OF XYMOX), MARK GEMINI THWAITE ( PETER MURPHY, THE MISSION ) und WADE ALIN ( CHRIST ANALOGUE ) unterstützt. Großer Tip für alle Fans der oben erwähnten Gruppen aus dem Neoklassik Bereich. " (S.Erichsen, July 2021)
“The Blue Hour are arch-dream weavers whose almost narcotic backdrops are the perfect structure to hang such rich and emotive vocals, ones which at times sound like lost studio sessions by ambient music’s first lady, Kate Bush, slowed down and blissed out and the result is nothing less than a future classic of the dream-pop canon." - Dancing About Architecture
"Delivering a mesmerizing sound that blends the best of Kate Bush and This Mortal Coil... The Blue Hour have inherited the passion and aesthetic of 4AD’s golden years – haunting, deep, and richly melancholic with seamless production" – Big Takeover Magazine
“What we loved in Cocteau Twins, Dead Can Dance, and This Mortal Coil (the early 4AD output) is here in new motion, embracing the current modernities of the genre they adore–yet the LP is not retro at all! The result is a unique haunting ambience which creates an otherworldly hypnotic effect, focusing on texture and rhythm with inspired discord.” -Noise Journal
“The Blue Hour are students of music past and present. Their swirling soundscape lends itself brilliantly to the earthy and haunting vocals of Marselle Hodges. The music dances around you as if in a dream-like state with a minimal lush approach. Imagine Chelsea Wolfe fronting Dead Can Dance and you will only be scratching the surface of what the Blue Hour has to offer.” -
“Heirs to that magic 80s pop in which Cocteau Twins had so much to say, transmute, and seduce, now, can be found in the Blue Hour. Their evanescent melodies, while transcendent, ask for passage through fire, make way to your heart and are placed in the chamber of your brain, so they are fired again and again” – Rooted Sounds
" US band The Blue Hour are out with the album "Lore", and this is a production for fans of pop music to take note of. In this case dream pop is the orientation of choice, with ambient atmospheres and delicate gliding textures of sound dominating the landscapes explored, with a more striking and subtly dramatic rhythmic section adding contrast and energy to the proceedings. The songs are atmospheric laden and tend to hone in on dark and mystical and occasionally melancholic laden landscapes with mournful undercurrents, while the vocals re used to good effect for striking impulses that at times has something of an exotic touch to them. First and foremost a production for those who enjoy dream pop and dreamladen music of the slightly darker kind in my opinion, and a really well made example of it at that." THE VIKING IN THE WILDERNESS
" Le premesse/promesse di quello che recita la presentazione stampa di quest'ennesima uscita di The Blue Hour (la band è in pista dalla prima metà degli anni novanta) sono state per una volta mantenute. “Lore” è un corpo sonoro di una bellezza incredibile, dove la malinconia si alterna alla rabbia e gli strumenti classici del folk si amalgamano alla perfezione con i mezzi della musica rock. Partendo da un dream-pop di matrice This Mortal Coil e Cocteau Twins, il duo di Seattle riesce a creare un suono proprio intarsiandolo di musica elettronica contemporanea, folk, rock, sample e... E un pizzico di quelle canzoni struggenti tanto care alla Kate Bush dei tempi migliori! “Embrance Not The Hand” (prodotta da sua maestà John Fryer – non servono presentazioni) e “One More Mistery” (remixata con archi da quel Pieter Nooten reo di avere fondato i Clan Of Xymox con Ronny Moorings – lo troviamo sul leggendario mini “Subsquequent Pleasures” dal quale è tratta la altrettanto famosa “Muscoviet Musquito”) mi hanno subito riportato alla memoria la Kate Bush dei tempi che furono, con la voce soave di Marselle Hodges a renderle il migliore degli omaggi. Ma non da meno sono gli altri brani che riempiono “Lore” in una continua ricerca di un equilibrio, pericoloso, tra folk e modernismo, tra soave e crudo. La cosiddetta “prova del nove” arriva con l'epilogo dell'album, un brano elettronico bizzarro guarda caso intitolato “Lockdown”, con la voce calda e sublime di Marselle Hodges a sovrapporsi a quella più nervosa di Brian Hodges mentre, ad incattivire il suono, appare di nascosto la chitarra di Mark Gemini Thwaite (di fama The Mission, Tricky e Peter Murphy). Servissero ancora altre due garanzie per l'ascolto e l'acquisto: la scelta di pubblicazione da parte di un'etichetta storica come la Dark Vinyl Records e il tocco inconfondibile della chitarra di Barry Galvin dei Mephisto Walz in “Cold & Bare”. Voto: 8/10 (Recensione a cura di Alex “Mish” Daniele) / ASCENSION Magazine