ROZZ WILLIAMS / A Tribute to Rozz Williams - V.A. The Tongue Achieves the Dialect (black vinyl)

ROZZ WILLIAMS / A Tribute to Rozz Williams - V.A. The Tongue Achieves the Dialect (black vinyl)
24,50 € * | 2LP

inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

  • 1649
label: Dark Vinyl, Black Vinyl, 2003 ; lim 450 copies, 17 bands, Klappcover, heavier vinyl... mehr
Produktinformationen "ROZZ WILLIAMS / A Tribute to Rozz Williams - V.A. The Tongue Achieves the Dialect (black vinyl)"

label: Dark Vinyl, Black Vinyl, 2003 ; lim 450 copies, 17 bands, Klappcover, heavier vinyl (180g) ;

tracklist :
In Winds of Time My Body - OMEWENNE
Forever Came Today - AURA NAVARRE (**)
Stairs / Prayer - GALAXY CHAMBER
Into the Light - SILVERY
Deathwish - CASUAL
Dream for Mother - STONE 588
Spectre - FUNERAL IN BERLIN (**)
Romeo's Distress - CIRIL
Love Lies - VERONICA'S VEIL (**)
December 31st, 1334 - FATE FATAL & GITANE DEMONE (**)
The devil and Mr.Williams - MKA
(**) Exclusive Tracks on the LP Version

hier die aktuelle review des BACK AGAIN Web-Magazines ( : This release has been announced for a very long time by the official Rozz Williams website and many people thought, it would never come. But finally this beautiful release is out on the German Dark Vinyl label. In October/November, there will be also a CD version of with a different track list and different artwork . The first record in this package opens with OMEWENNEs version of < In Winds Of Time My Body > . It is a very melancholic poem by Rozz with the great music of OMEWENNE . Then comes AURA NAVARRE with < Forever Came Today > and HUMAN DISEASE with < In Absentia > , both very exciting, too . HUMAN DISEASE are the first band, which plays a kind of Death-Rock. Next are GALAXXY CHAMBER with the classic < Stairs - Uncertain Journey> . Musically, they are close to the original, but with a very different style of singing. Interesting band and worth, finding out more . Side B of this first record starts with THE MONARCHS OF EDEN, as far as I know a one-man band. He plays < Face > , which also sounds very close to the original on Christian Death s < Ashes> album. I really like this track and will try to find out more about this project. SILVERY presents < Into The Light >, with a certain Metal influnce, but good female vocals. This song is better known as < Look At The Light...> . Austria s KISS THE BLADE play < Epitaph > in their typical Gothic-Rock style. Just check out their own releases, if you do not know this band yet, they are great ! Then comes CASUAL with < Deathwish > , very doomy and pure Death-Rock stuff. CONTRADICTION give us another version of < Stairs - Uncertain Journey >, which is really likeable, especially the female backgroud vocals give the song an interesting feeling. Would be interesting, if the band has more songs in this musical style. Maybe one of the best known bands on these records are STONE 588, who open for Side C . Great band, which covers < Dream For Mother > , a wonderful mixture of early Christian Death sound and a heavy Siouxsie And The Banshees feeling. One of the greatest songs here. Worth listening to are also NECROMANTK SUNSHINE (which is a strange name for a band). Here we get to hear the track < The Angels >, very atmospheric sounding music with raw vocals. < Bruised > by THE OTHER FLESH featuring NO FESTIVAL OF LIGHT is a good song, but suffers a little bit from the not too good sound quality. A wonderful band are FUNERAL IN BERLIN, playing < Spectre > here. Oh, next comes CIRIL´s interpretation of the song, which is possibly the greatest Death-Rock song ever, < Romeo´s Distress > . CIRIL has a very own idea of how it should sound. The music is a little bit minimalistic, but the singer shouts out all his anger. Strange, but a good idea, not to record this classic track too close to the original. So Side C ends and the final Side starts with the great band VERONICA S VAIL. < Love Lies > with female vocals sounds great. Another yet unknown band to discover ! Side D of the record is actually the best, because it contains a song called < December 31st, 1334 > performed by FATE FATAL (of The Deep Eynde ) and goddess GITANE DEMONE. Very dark and emotional and surely a future classic ! The double LP end with MKA s song < The Devil And Mr. Williams >, a ballad, played on acoustic guitars, which is a beautiful tribute and perfect final . Well, what else can I say, than, that this release is a must-have for every fan of Rozz Williams, as nearly all the bands present fair versions of a lot of classic tracks from one of the greatest artists. The cover artwork is more than beautiful, totally in black with only the most important infos, it comes as a fold-out cover. The vinyl edition is strictly limited to 450 copies and the vinyl itself is very heavy. So let me finally say, that, even if Rozz does not appear personally on this Compilation, he will listen to it with great fun, whereever he is now. Get your copy, before it is sold-out, it will be definetly an expensive collector s item soon ! (A.P.)

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